Developing Teleassessment for Trilingual Children in Hong Kong:
Augmented Reality Enhanced Intervention
項目編號 Reference Number: KPF22REP06
資助 Funding Source: Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF)

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背景 Background
A rich language environment at home is crucial for children’s language development. Infants and young children effortlessly absorb language within a stimulating linguistic environment. However, as they grow older, this ability to learn rapidly diminishes, resulting in the loss of their early advantage in language acquisition. Therefore, through early intervention, enriching the language environment at home would help children with language delay catch up. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated changes in assessment methods. However, teleassessments via video conferencing for young children have not yet been widely adopted in Hong Kong. This project aims to improve educators’ and parents’ understanding of teleassessment and early language intervention. With their active involvement, children are able to achieve better learning outcomes.
Augmented Reality Enhanced Intervention

Utilizing Augmented Reality (AR) offers several advantages in facilitating children’s language learning. AR captures children’s attention through interactive experiences, employing visual and audio stimuli to enhance vocabulary acquisition. AR technology integrates virtual content into the real world. Research demonstrates that AR, with keyword visualizations, improves recall, mental effort, and task completion. These findings underscore the potential of AR enhanced materials in delivering engaging and effective vocabulary learning experiences.
Dialogic Reading and Language Development
Extensive research indicates that dialogic reading, characterized by interactive parent-child conversations, is one of the most influential family activities for promoting early literacy development in young children. During dialogic reading, parents actively guide children’s participation in reading through various structured interactive techniques and questioning, providing rich language input and opportunities for fostering children’s receptive and expressive language, phonological awareness and so on.

目標 Objectives
We hope that this research project will contribute to knowledge transfer and reduce the difficulties in language learning faced by grassroots children. Our specific objectives are as follows:

研究對象 Participants
The four participating kindergartens and their students (aged four to six years) actively engaged in various stages of this research. The participating schools are Po Leung Kuk Ng Tor Tai Kindergarten, Hong Kong Christian Service Pario Kindergarten (Shatin), YMCA of Hong Kong Christian Kindergarten (Kai Ching), and YMCA of Hong Kong Christian Nursery School (Farm Road). We express our sincere gratitude for the enthusiastic participation and support from all the schools and families involved.

流程 Procedure

遠程線上評估 Teleassessment
Both the pretest and post-tests were conducted through teleassessment. All assessments were administered in a one-on-one format, with students participating via video conferencing from either school or home. The evaluation encompassed: standardized receptive vocabulary tests, tests measuring the students’ expressive vocabulary from the stories used within the intervention program, and standardized cognitive ability tests.

介入課程 Intervention Program
The 8-week intervention program was designed for both parents and children. The parental training sessions focused on helping parents understand and master the skills of dialogic reading. As for the other sessions, the program offered a wide range of learning resources, including Augmented Reality (AR) enhanced trilingual reading materials, trilingual reading videos, and online instructional sessions in English and Mandarin. By doing so, children had the opportunity to receive high-quality language input through different channels and modalities.

The Parent Applying Dialogic Reading Skills
in Parent-child Shared Reading in English
Our Design of AR Enhanced Materials: An Example
We created AR materials for an e-book, The Rainbow Field with AR pop-up items and animal characters. A special feature of the AR design is interactive elements that engage children’s attention, featuring animal characters with lively voiceovers in three spoken languages, namely Cantonese, English, and Mandarin using onomatopoeia with relevant nouns, verbs and adjectives. The AR experience also allows children to virtually “hold” these animal characters so that they can view them from various angles and establish associations between sounds and meanings.

Online Shared-reading Time
During the intervention program, our research team offered regular online interactive shared-reading sessions. Each week, there were two English lessons and one Mandarin lesson, with each session lasting for 30 minutes. In these classes, the teacher utilized dialogic reading skills to engage and encourage active participation from children. The primary goals of these online sessions were to enhance children’s language skills while also furthering parents’ understanding of dialogic reading.
分組 Grouping
參加介入課程的家庭分為兩組。第一組家庭 [+家長培訓, +AR] 在共讀前學習如何使用對話式閱讀技巧,並在介入課程期間使用帶有擴增實境(AR)的資料和孩子一起閱讀。第二組家庭 [-家長培訓, -AR] 則在第二次後測後接受家長培訓和使用AR閱讀資料。
The families involved in the intervention program were divided into two groups. Group 1 [+Parental training, +AR] received parental training in dialogic reading techniques before participating in shared reading sessions, incorporating the Augmented Reality (AR) enhanced materials. Group 2 [-Parent training, -AR] received parental training and used AR reading materials after the delayed post-test.

Effective Enhancement of Trilingual Children’s English and Mandarin
Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary
through AR Technology and Parental Training

In terms of receptive and expressive vocabulary in English and Mandarin, both groups exhibited an increase in the immediate post-test and the delayed post-test. With the implementation of parental training and AR enhanced materials, Group 1 outperformed Group 2 in both tests, which highlights the effectiveness of our design in facilitating vocabulary learning for trilingual children aged 4 to 6 years old.
家長的聲音 Parents’ Voice
All parents completed an exit questionnaire and an interview after the intervention program. The majority of parents believed that the program was able to increase their children’s interest in both English and Mandarin. Furthermore, parents felt that their children’s language abilities had improved.

教師的聲音 Teachers’ voice
We have also interviewed participants’ kindergarten teachers after the intervention program. Overall, the teachers who have accepted the interview found that the program was successful at making children feel more confident at learning languages and in other areas. They have also observed that parents were able to learn more about their children through this program, and became more willing to respect and accept their children’s interests. They believed that, through parent-child shared reading and interactions, the relationship between parents and their children can become more close-knitted.

其他資源 Other Resources
Why should parents engage in dialogic reading with their children?
Engaging in dialogic reading with children provides them with language input of great quantity and quality, which is beneficial for children as it fosters their language development, reading comprehension skills, critical thinking, imagination and creativity, and parent-child interaction.

為幫助家長與孩子在家使用對話式閱讀技巧共讀,我們準備了一份幼稚園級別、適合家長與孩子共讀的英文和中文書單。點擊連結以獲取書目清單:Book Depository
To enhance parent-child shared-reading at home, we prepared a book list comprising English and Chinese books at the kindergarten level. Access the book list by clicking the link provided: Book Depository

鳴謝 Acknowledgements
The KPF project “Developing teleassessment for trilingual children in Hong Kong: Augmented Reality enhanced intervention” (Project Code: KPF22REP06) received support from the Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF). We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the principals and teachers of the four kindergartens for their unwavering support towards our KPF project. We are especially thankful to the children and parents who actively participated in the assessments and intervention program, providing us with valuable feedback.